In 2011 Paddy Power were looking to make a big noise about their key promotional offer for the Champions League Final.
At the time, superinjunctions were all the rage – the grapevine was in overdrive and everybody knew who was involved, yet the media couldn’t report it.
A strategy was devised for Paddy Power to put themselves into the heart of the biggest news story in the country, whilst promoting their key messages. Imogen Thomas was signed up for exclusive photos in the Manchester United kit of her former lover Ryan Giggs – connecting the pair in a way the media could legally report, whilst providing exclusive branded images and editorial for Paddy Power.
As the media superinjunction ban broke key print titles for the Paddy Power brand fell over themselves for the images, resulting in a front page splash in The Sun, and acres of lead coverage of the branding and its Champions League offer just three days before the final.
Paddy Power picked up the ball and rolled out a fully integrated campaign across print and online advertising, a homepage takeover and front window displays throughout their retail chain.
By understanding the news agenda ahead of the game and working with strong media contacts it was possible to place Paddy Power into the heart of the national conversation.
Records for new customer acquisition at Paddy Power were broken that week as punters couldn’t fail to see their Champions League offer – and others were left wondering how Paddy Power had done it again!